Laser cutting

The evolution of R.P.M. is linked to the sheet metal cutting process and can boast great experience in the use of laser cutting machines, always seeking the best update for production and the satisfaction of the growing demand for product quantity and quality.

Our machines use “Fiber Laser” technology, a cut carried out using the so-called “laser seed” amplified through glass fibers to which energy is directed with special pumping diodes.

The resulting laser has a wavelength of 1 micrometer.

Compared to the CO2 laser, in addition to greater speed, it has the advantage of being able to also cut non-conductive metals such as brass and copper, as well as aluminum and ferrous materials (steel and stainless steel).

Thickness cutting capacityMAX thickness
Construction steel sheet25 mm
Structural steel sheet with cutting package for sheet thickness expansion32 mm
Stainless steel sheet25 mm
Stainless steel sheet with cutting package to increase sheet thickness35 mm
Aluminum sheet25 mm
Copper sheet metal10 mm
Brass sheet metal10 mm

Trulaser 5030 Fiber

  • Laserfibra di potenza 3000 kw
  • Cutting plan 3000 x 1500 mm
  • Alternate reloading

Trulaser 3030 Fiber

  • Laserfibra di potenza 6000 kw
  • Cutting plan 3000 x 1500 mm
  • Cutting inclination control
  • LiftMaster accessory for sheet metal loading-unloading automation

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RPM Illuminotecnica

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    Progetto co-finanziato dal POR FESR TOSCANA 2014 – 2020
    AZIONE 3.1.1. sub a3)
    “Aiuti finalizzati al contenimento e al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19”
    “Fondo investimenti Toscana – aiuti agli investimenti” – Bando approvato con D.D. n. 14508 del 17/09/2020 rettificato con D.D. n. 14512 del 21/09/2020
    Progetto RPM_INVEST_2020 – CUP ST 14508.17092020.172000226

    Progetto di investimento in beni materiali e immateriali finalizzato al supporto dell’attività imprenditoriale