Paralume in lamiera Fe con motivi Rinascimentali, diffusore interno in tessuto

Creation of ceiling, wall and floor-mounted lighting fixtures, intended for the lighting of civil, religious and museum buildings, through architectural and designer studios.


Pannello in Alluminio anodizzato per Display

Production of panels for 3U-6U electronic boards in anodized/chromed and silk-screened aluminium. Creation of cabinets/containers in metal carpentry for electronic boards, intended for the edge of rolling stock or in signaling systems. (“Dress” and protect the electronic part in a functional way, in the environment in which it must operate).


Armadio in Acciaio Inox a Norme ETSI per NGN con utilizzo della Fibra Ottica

Creation of ETSI compliant cabinets for the infrastructure of new generation fiber optic access networks (NGN) with integrated card guides.


Piantana Tecnologica

Creation of an integrated lighting system with ceiling lamps and floor lamps. The ceiling light fixture has a lift system to facilitate maintenance and replacement of lamps.


Sospensione Ottagonale con candele luminose e lampade integrate

Creation of ceiling lighting in octagonal-shaped treated Fe sheet metal, with luminous candles and lamps at the Verrès Castle in Valle d’Aosta. Located at the entrance to the Val d’Ayas overlooking the Evançon river near the town of Verrès, the Verrès Castle is an enormous cubic monoblock measuring thirty meters per side with Gothic windows […]


Progetto co-finanziato dal POR FESR TOSCANA 2014 – 2020
AZIONE 3.1.1. sub a3)
“Aiuti finalizzati al contenimento e al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19”
“Fondo investimenti Toscana – aiuti agli investimenti” – Bando approvato con D.D. n. 14508 del 17/09/2020 rettificato con D.D. n. 14512 del 21/09/2020
Progetto RPM_INVEST_2020 – CUP ST 14508.17092020.172000226

Progetto di investimento in beni materiali e immateriali finalizzato al supporto dell’attività imprenditoriale